Sunday, January 30, 2011

一年未緣(Another Year)

兩度提名奧斯卡最佳導演,康城影展兩度獲獎,《快樂小小姐》、《秘密的謊言》、《地下觀音》英國國寶級導演邁克李,國際影評高度推崇,獲得英國獨立電影大獎四項提名及美國全國影評人協會最佳女主角的得獎之作。故事圍繞一對老夫老妻的日常生活故事。年復一年,恩愛依然的一對老夫老妻,正享受著暮年的悠閒歲月。經歷每一個年頭,四季的交替,日子還是這樣的過。在看似平凡的新一個年頭,身邊的朋友、同事、家人,繼續於他們的生命中扮演著重要的角色,然而這對老夫老妻,開始發現身邊的人全都有一個共通點 – 就是「原來過得不快樂」。夕陽雖然無限好,又能否讓烈日再當空?

導演 : 邁克李
演員 : David Bradley, Jim Broadbent
片長 : 129 分鐘
語言 : 英語 (---)

Another Year

Directed by Academy Award nominee and two times Cannes Film Festival award-winning director Mike Leigh (“Happy Go Luck”, “Secret and Lies”, “Vera Drake”), “Another Year” is another of Mike Leigh’s well-reviewed film that was nominated for four awards at the British Independent Film Awards and won the Best Actress Award at USA’s National Board of Review. It is a story about the everyday lives of an elderly couple. A married couple who have managed to remain blissfully happy into their autumn years, are surrounded over the course of the four seasons of one average year by friends, colleagues, and family who all seem to suffer some degree of unhappiness.

Director : Mike Leigh
Cast : David Bradley, Jim Broadbent
Duration : 129 mins
Language : English (---)


第15屆釜山國際電影節未來景象單元大奬得主,瑞典新秀導演Lisa Langseth一鳴驚人之作。20歲的Katarina,童年並不快樂,跟酗酒的母親相依為命,生活並無意義,直至遇上了古典音樂,她的世界才改變過來。在偶然的機會下,Katarina接觸到莫扎特的《安魂曲》。這一首樂曲深深打動了她的心靈,讓Katarina下定決心,遠離醜惡的現實世界,展開美麗新生活。然而,成長的路程並沒有想像中容易,在充滿謊言和出賣的世界,Katarina跟一名已婚的指揮家開展一段危險情緣,踏上成長之路。

導演 : Lisa Langseth
演員 : Alicia Vikander, Samuel Froler
片長 : 102 分鐘
語言 : 瑞典語 (英文字幕)


Directed by up and coming director Lisa Langseth, “Pure” is the first Swedish film to win the Flash Forward Award in the 15th Pusan International Film Festival. Katarina is a 20 years old girl living with her alcoholic mother. With a troubled past in a dreary suburb, her life seems to be already set in stone - until she discovers music. Everything changes when she hears a performance of Mozart’s Requiem at the Gothenburg Concert Hall that sends her reeling and opens up a beautiful new world. She feels that she has to change her life and get as far away from her ugly reality as possible. But the path she has to follow proves a treacherous one, filled with lies, betrayal and a dangerous liaison with the married conductor Adam. Yet Katarina is ready to do anything to gain her new identity.

Director : Lisa Langseth
Cast : Alicia Vikander, Samuel Froler
Duration : 102 mins
Language : Swedish (English Subtitles)

沙發上的馬勒(Mahler on the Couch)

史上最偉大的古典作曲家之一馬勒遇上改變了世界的心理學家佛洛依德,情困煩惱會否一掃而空?1910年,有「音樂暴君」之稱的馬勒,發現心愛的太太紅杏出牆,第三者竟然是Bauhaus 創辦人兼建築師Walter Gropius。受盡情變折磨的馬勒,遠走荷蘭找來正在渡假的佛洛依德盡訴心聲。起初不願意接受心理治療的馬勒,無奈坐上佛洛依德的病人床,回憶起跟年輕19年的太太Alma的相遇情形︰二人火速熱戀,互相欣賞。但婚後的馬勒,卻嚴禁太太追逐她的作曲夢。女兒逝世過後,二人的婚姻開始觸礁,促成太太的出軌行為。與佛洛依德的一席話,令馬勒自信找到了挽救婚姻的方法。馬勒逝世100年紀念電影,揭開一代古典傳奇音樂家的愛情故事。

導演 : Felix Adlon, Percy Adlon
演員 : Johannes Silberschneider, Barbara Romaner, Karl Markovics
片長 : 100 分鐘
語言 : 德語 (英文字幕)

Mahler on the Couch

August 1910. Devastated and confused by the discovery that his beloved wife Alma is having a passionate affair with architect Walter Gropius (founder of Bauhaus), controversial composer Gustav Mahler travels to Holland to consult with Sigmund Freud, who is on vacation. Feeling humiliated and betrayed, Mahler initially refuses the couch, but when Freud wheels a camp bed into the room, he has no choice. Fiery yet full of humor, their encounter stretches into the night as Mahler vividly recounts his seduction of Alma, 19 years his junior, the beautiful darling of Vienna’s arts scene. Alma and Mahler fall madly in love and marry, but he frustrates her ambitions to be a composer in her own right. When one of their daughter dies, their marriage begins to fall apart, culminating in Alma’s infidelity. Next day, the two great men go their separate ways. Overjoyed with what he sees as his cure, Mahler travels to rejoin Alma. A suspenseful marital drama with detective Freud pulling the strings.

Director : Felix Adlon, Percy Adlon
Cast : Johannes Silberschneider, Barbara Romaner, Karl Markovics
Duration : 100 mins
Language : German (English Subtitles)

應召女郎(Call Girl)

葡萄牙金球獎最佳電影、最佳男主角及最佳女主角得獎作品,情慾與政治的角力,血脈沸騰。高級應召女郎瑪莉亞,被派往誘惑小鎮市長,迫使他批准發展商在受保護的用地上興建高級渡假村。與此同時,一名當地警察正調查這位捲入貪污案的市長,卻在無意間發現失踪多時的舊情人,正是調查對象的應召女郎,令他陷入兩難局面。葡萄牙導演Antonio-Pedro Vasconcelos,以一個情慾與政治角力的故事,探究共產主義和資本主義的深層矛盾。

導演 : Antonio-Pedro Vasconcelos
演員 : Soraia Chaves, Ivo Canelas
片長 : 145 分鐘
語言 : 葡萄牙語 (英文字幕)

Call Girl

Best Picture, Best Actor and Best Actress Award Winner of the Portuguese Golden Globe Awards, “Callgirl” is a story of political corruption involving a small town mayor and a prostitute. High class call girl, Maria, is hired to seduce the local mayor in an attempt to obtain his permission to build a luxury resort on protected land. Meanwhile, a local policeman comes upon the case and begins an investigation on the mayor. But when the policeman finds out that Maria is his long lost love, everything becomes somewhat more complicated. The corrupted character of the local mayor allows Vasconcelos to explore how utopias that typify communist societies are predestined for failure, and demonstrate why Capitalism always succeeds in the end.

Director : Antonio-Pedro Vasconcelos
Cast : Soraia Chaves, Ivo Canelas
Duration : 145 mins
Language : Portuguese (English Subtitles)

三人行不行(Run if you can)


導演 : Dietrich Brüggemann
演員 : Robert Gwisdek, Anna Brüggemann, Jacob Matschenz
片長 : 112 分鐘
語言 : 德語 (英文字幕)

Run if you can

Benjamin is bound to a wheelchair. He is intelligent, funny, and vivacious, but he has lost his confidence in love. His new caretaker, Christian, on the other hand is care-free and takes life easy. One day, Christian meets Annika, the cello player whom Ben has been observing from his window for years. The trip becomes close friends, and begins to develop feelings towards each other. Annika likes how playful Christian is, but feels a closer connection to Ben. She cannot decide between the two and it forces Ben to face its biggest fear.

Director : Dietrich Brüggemann
Cast : Robert Gwisdek, Anna Brüggemann, Jacob Matschenz
Duration : 112 mins
Language : German (English Subtitles)

假如我在人間蒸發(Nowhere Man)


導演 : Patrice Toye
演員 : Nicholas Beveney, Sara de Roo
片長 : 96 分鐘
語言 : 荷蘭語 (英文字幕)

Nowhere Man

Tomas is in his 40s. He lives a seemingly normal and good life. His wife Sara is a beautiful and gentle woman, well thought of by everybody. They live in a nice house in the outskirts of a Belgian city. They have good jobs. But for years, Tomas has been toying with a secret dream of abandoning it all and disappearing out of his life and into some new undefined reality. His secret fantasies have added color and excitement to his otherwise dull life. Time has come to act, and one spring day he tricks the world into believing he is dead. Once disappeared he realizes his dreams will not go any further. He has no idea what to do and what to become."

Director : Patrice Toye
Cast : Nicholas Beveney, Sara de Roo
Duration : 96 mins
Language : Dutch (English Subtitles)

麵飽樹上的女兒(A Family)

要事業還是要家庭?從來都不是一個容易的選擇。事業如日方中的畫廊老闆Ditte,出身自餅店世家,生活無憂無慮。一日,Ditte得到紐約方面的賞識,誠邀她由丹麥遷居紐約發展。在男友的大力支持下,二人決定移居紐約,開創遠大前程。可是,在出發之前,Ditte的爸爸證實患上重病,孝順的Ditte 只好放棄黃金機會,留守丹麥,照顧病重的爸爸。這位一家之主更要求Ditte女承父業,承繼餅店生意。在男友大力反對下,Ditte左右做人難,生命從此變得更為複雜。第60屆柏林影展費比西影評人獎得主,《新鐵金剛之量子殺機》奸角Mr. White回歸丹麥動人演繹。究竟Ditte如何應付這本「難唸的經」?

導演 : Pernille Fischer Christensen
演員 : Jesper Christensen, Lene Maria Christensen
片長 : 102 分鐘
語言 : 丹麥語 (英文字幕)

A Family

Ditte is a member of the Rheinwalds, a family of bakers. She is also a successful gallery owner and constantly on the move. Having been offered her dream job in New York she decides, along with her boyfriend Peter, to accept the offer and move to the Big Apple. The future is bright and life is simple. The couple are on their way when Ditte' beloved father, Rikard, falls seriously ill. Ditte calls off the move to New York in order to be with him. Rikard demands that she takes her place in the Rheinwald family business and assume ownership of the bakery, while Peter pulls in the opposite direction, feeling that she is abandoning their common dreams. All of a sudden, life is not so simple. Winner of Fipresci Prize of the 60th Berlin International Film Festival, ”A Family” is a family drama dominated by the heart-breaking performance of Jesper Christensen. (Mr. White from ”Quantum of Salace).

Director : Pernille Fischer Christensen
Cast : Jesper Christensen, Lene Maria Christensen
Duration : 102 mins
Language : Danish (English Subtitles)

愛瑪臨終前的最後數天(The Last Days of Emma Blank)


導演 : Alex van Warmerdam
演員 : Marlies Heuer, Gene Bervoets
片長 : 90 分鐘
語言 : 荷蘭語 (英文字幕)

The Last Days of Emma Blank

In a large country home, the owner Emma Blank is very ill and is cared for by her staff: Haneveld the head housekeeper, Bella the cook, Gonnie the maid, Meier the man-servant and Theo the dog. Despite her desperate need for loving care, Emma is a steely, avaricious dictator whose demands become ever more absurd, to the extent that her staff is driven to madness. What’s more shocking is that these staff is actually Emma’s family members, they take on these roles just to fulfill Emma’s wishes. Until the day that they discover that they stand to inherit nothing and they drop off their charade of caring and concern and instead plot their revenge. Described by a reviewer as “a darker than dark comedy”, “The Last Days of Emma Blank” is a family drama about “power and manipulation”.

Director : Alex van Warmerdam
Cast : Marlies Heuer, Gene Bervoets
Duration : 90 mins
Language : Dutch (English Subtitles)

無語問當天(The Man Who Will Come)


導演 : Giorgio Diritti
演員 : Maya Sansa, Alba Rohrwacher
片長 : 115 分鐘
語言 : 意大利語 (英文字幕)

The Man Who Will Come

Winter, 1943. Martina is a wide-eyed 8-year-old who hasn't spoken since her baby brother died in her arms. Now her mother is pregnant again, Martina looks forward to the new arrival. But 1943-44 is a difficult period, Lena’s family and other peasants struggled to feed themselves and lead a semi-normal life while debating how much assistance to give the partisans with the impending arrival of the Germans.

Director : Giorgio Diritti
Cast : Maya Sansa, Alba Rohrwacher
Duration : 115 mins
Language : Italian (English Subtitles)

小小小希臘教父(Little Greek Godfather)

名人之後不易為,何況是政黨領袖之後?活潑可愛的希臘小孩Alex,自小在美國長大。11歲那年,Alex被派往希臘的克里特島,代表父親擔任「教父」,替當地領袖的新生嬰兒受洗,為父親爭取政治支持。這名「小小小教父」,為了證明自己絕非「二世祖」,出盡「萬二分努力」,瞓身完成教父任務。一口「半鹹淡希臘文」加「鬼鬼地」的外貌,令Alex備受質疑。Alex只好咬緊牙關,融入克里特島的習俗文化,吃盡驚人的特色美食,受盡政治考驗,過程中笑料百出,Alex更開始發現,自己的存在不應該只是為了滿足父親的期望,而是做一個真正的自己。芝加哥、莫斯科、開羅、漢堡、首爾國際兒童及青年電影節全線選映,並由《綜藝》雜誌選為十大最值得留意歐洲新秀導演Olga Malea執導,反斗演繹,笑聲滿載。

導演 : Olga Malea
演員 : Antonis Kafetzopoulos, Eleni Kastani
片長 : 86 分鐘
語言 : 希臘語及英語 (英文字幕)

Little Greek Godfather

Brought up in California, offspring of an important political family, 11 year old Alex travels to Crete in order to baptize the baby child of a local cacique and parliamentary candidate. He will be a Godfather for the first time in order to prove to everybody and particularly to his father that he is a worthy son. His foreign appearance, his difficulty with Greek language, the local customs and the tests he has to go through in order to be accepted as a worthy son of the Leader, create a comedy with a political background, existential distresses and tragicomic situations. His first baptism-initiation in the art and tricks of politics will mark him for the rest of his life. Official selection of the Children and/or Youth International Film Festival of Chicago, Moscow, Cairo, Hamburg and Seoul, “Little Greek Godfather” is a comedy directed by Olga Malea, to whom “Variety” named as one of the ten European directors to watch.

Director : Olga Malea
Cast : Antonis Kafetzopoulos, Eleni Kastani
Duration : 86 mins
Language : Greek and English (English Subtitles)

芬蘭牛仔站起來(Last Cowboy Standing)


導演 : Zaida Bergroth
演員 : Onni Tommila,Tommi Korpela
片長 : 123 分鐘
語言 : 芬蘭語 (英文字幕)

Last Cowboy Standing

Rupert, 8 and Evert, 6 are two lovable brothers, lost in their cowboys-and-Indians fantasies and in the playground romances with the neighborhood girls. They have a warm but unstable mother, and a charming but unreliable father. The family has moved to a new house, the future looks bright. Everything starts to fall apart when Rupert finds a hidden letter. There are terrible fights, then mom is taken somewhere to rest for a while. The brothers make a blood oath: One can't lie or die or one has to pay for the rest of his life. Rupert tries to hold the family together. But finally things get too complicated. In 1982 the guilt-ridden 18-year-old Rupert tries to understand the events of the past. If he doesn't find absolution, the family tragedy will be repeated and the curse will live on.

Director : Zaida Bergroth
Cast : Onni Tommila,Tommi Korpela
Duration : 123 mins
Language : Finnish (English Subtitles)

竊聽者的玫瑰(Kawasaki’s Rose)


導演 : Jan Hrebejk
演員 : Lenka Vlasakova, Daniela Kolarova
片長 : 100 分鐘
語言 : 捷克語 (英文字幕)

Kawasaki’s Rose

Renowned clinical psychiatrist and Professor Pavel Josek is about to receive the "Memory of the Nation" award due to his famous resistance to the Communists. Unwillingly become the subject of a TV documentary, he initially tries to remain low key to avoid too much attention. However, Josek’s son-in-law, suspicious of Josek’s reputation as a freedom fighter during Communism, looks for an opportunity to discredit his father-in-law. It transpires that this reputedly morally irreproachable dissident once collaborated with state security agencies. His family and friends now have to deal with Josek’s past. This wonderful drama is the official Czech nominee for Best Foreign Language Film at the 2011 Academy Awards.

Director : Jan Hrebejk
Cast : Lenka Vlasakova, Daniela Kolarova
Duration : 100 mins
Language : Czech (English Subtitles)

再次戀上新舊情人(The Threeway Wedding)

俗語有謂︰「好漢不吃窩邊草」,偏偏舞台編劇奧吉斯卻不甘就範。對太太還未忘情的他,開排新劇找來前妻和她的情人當演員,情人、前妻,前妻的情人共治一爐,融合藝術與真性情。戲假情真的排練場,戲中有戲,火花四起。排練場上,一幕幕愛情攻心計,輪流上演。在情感、仇恨和慾望的驅使下,各人互相利用、互相操控,爾虞我詐,計中有計。由歐洲三大影展常客,曾執導《小孤星》的法國名導演Jacques Doillon傾情執導,情慾三角,色慾角力。台上台下,激情盡現。

導演 : Jacques Doillon
演員 : Pascal Greggory, Louis Garrel, Julie Depardieu
片長 : 100 分鐘
語言 : 法語 (英文字幕)

The Threeway Wedding

Playwright August is struggling to get over his wife’s departure. To work on his new play, he has invited Stephane, the director, along with the two main comedians. The presence of his ex-wife Harriet, his mistress Fanny and Harriet’s new lover Théo will ensure that the day will be long and tumultuous. Art and real-life passions can make dangerous bedfellows, this meeting sparks off a love manipulation game and an unstable sentimental dance, where affection, revenge, domination, attraction and resentment are mixed together with staggering veracity. Frequently nominated by the three most prominent European Film Festivals, internationally renowned director Jacques Doillon (“Ponette”, “Raja”) once again explores bizarre love triangles and sexual tensions in this intimate piece of work.

Director : Jacques Doillon
Cast : Pascal Greggory, Louis Garrel, Julie Depardieu
Duration : 100 mins
Language : French (English Subtitles)

羅馬夜禁色(Room in Rome)

《露茜亞的情人》導演Julio Medem,再揭愛慾新一章的全新力作。在一個初夏的晚上,羅馬市中心的一間酒店房內,兩名剛剛相遇的陌生女子,各自在離開羅馬之前,偷試雲雨之情。二人相互探索對方的身體,於肌膚的一分一吋間情慾纏綿。在喘不過氣來的12小時後, Alba回到西班牙,繼續當兩名孩子的母親,而Natasha就要回到俄羅斯,準備一星期後下嫁男友。可是,這一晚的歡愉,觸碰了的不只是雙方的身體,還有二人的靈魂。

導演 : Julio Medem
演員 : Elena Anaya, Natasha Yarovenko
片長 : 109 分鐘
語言 : 英語、西班牙語、意大利語、俄羅斯語、巴斯克語 (英文字幕)

Room in Rome

A hotel room in the center of Rome serves as the setting for two young and recently acquainted women to have a physical adventure that will mark their bodies and souls forever before they leave to go back to their respective lands. “Room In Rome” is directed by one of Spain’s most recognized directors Julio Medem (Sex and Lucía), the film unfolds over 12 hours in a hotel room during a Roman summer. In the following morning, the two girls go their separate ways – Alba to Spain and Natasha to Russia. This new experience however, does not replace the ongoing love they feel for their respective partners – in Alba’s case, a mother of two; in Natasha’s, the man she is due to marry in one week’s time, but this unforgettable one night stand will stay in their mind and soul much more than they are willing to acknowledge.

Director : Julio Medem
Cast : Elena Anaya, Natasha Yarovenko
Duration : 109 mins
Language : English, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Basque (English Subtitles)

Sunday, January 23, 2011


同性婚姻在西班牙合法化了,六位壯男喜孜孜等講我願意。六個兒子、五個靚媽、一個爹哋竟合演一段「七國咁亂」的關係,究竟誰是誰非?Ofelia放下工作,看見兒子Ocsar和男朋友 Miguel 混埋一起,激發大罵戰;同時間Miguel的父母住在即將舉行婚禮的豪裝酒店;Ofelia廚師男友竟發動罷工,更另陷入兩難局面;Helena作為一個大法官,派去主持同志婚禮,令她回憶地兩年前她踢爆老公愛男生,不知如何反應;Reyes這個單身貴族,則反對兒子和園丁細仔結婚;最後的Nuria,不惜一切掲開了一個不忠的秘密…

導演 : Manuel Gomez Pereira
演員 : Marisa Paredes, Veronica Forqué, Carmen Maura
片長 : 132 分鐘
語言 : 西班牙語 (中英文字幕)

再見哥哥(Yossi and Jagger)

根據真實故事改編,Yossi 和Jagger是兩個駐守戰地前線的以色列軍人。他們彼此相愛,試圖在壓抑的軍隊體制和不明究理的戰爭裡,尋找自由與愛情的出口。Yossi戰場經驗豐富,行事嚴謹,並服從上級命令;Jagger則是個樂觀、自由主義者。Yossi希望把他們的愛情隱藏在兩人之間,即將退伍的Jagger則認為Yossi應該離開軍旅生涯,和他一起遠走高飛,享受生命。在即將前往一個伏擊任務的夜晚,兩人之間的關係日趨緊張、一觸即發。

導演 : Eytan Fox
演員 : OhadKnoller, Yehuda Levi
片長 : 77 分鐘
級數 : ---
語言 : 希伯來語 (中英文字幕)


“攝人心魄的視覺效果……” ----法新社

“一場視聽的盛宴。” ---- 德國電視二台

“大獲全勝。” ----《星期日泰晤士》

Giuseppe Verdi
Conductor Carlo Rizzi
Wiener Symphoniker
The Katowice City Singers’ Ensemble
– Camerata Silesia
Polish Radio Choir Krakow
Bregenz Festival Chorus
King of Egypt Kevin Short
Amneris Iano Tamar
Aida Tatiana Serjan
Radames Rubens Pelizzari
Ramphis Tigran Martirossian
Amonasro Iain Paterson
Messenger Ronald Samm
Priestess Elisabetta Martorana
Staged by Graham Vick
Video Director Felix Breisach
Year 2009
Length 131'
A production of ORF, SF, TPC and UNITEL CLASSICA
in cooperation with Bregenzer Festspiele

導演 : Felix Breisach
演員 : ---
片長 : 131 分鐘
語言 : 意大利語 (中英文字幕)

卡拉揚《貝多芬第七、第九交響曲》(Herbet von Karajan BEETHOVEN SYMPHONY NR. 7 & 9)

Ludwig van Beethoven
Symphony No.7 in A major, op.92
Year 1971
Length 35’
Ludwig van Beethoven
Symphony No.9 in D minor, op.125 “Choral”
Year 1968
Length 65’
Conductor Herbert von Karajan
Berliner Philharmoniker
Chor der Deutschen Oper Berlin
Soloists Gundula Janowitz, Christa Ludwig
Jess Thomas, Walter Berry
A production of UNITEL CLASSICA

導演 : ---
演員 : ---
片長 : ---
語言 : --- (---)




Franco Alfano
Conductor Patrick Fournillier
Orquestra de la Comunitat Valenciana
Cor de la Generalitat Valenciana
Cyrano Plácido Domingo
Roxane Sondra Radvanovsky
Christian Arturo Chacón Cruz
De Guiche Rodney Gilfry
Ragueneau Corrado Carmelo Caruso
Staged by Michal Znaniecki
Video Director Tiziano Mancini
Year 2007
Length 140’
A production of UNITEL CLASSICA
and PALAU DE LES ARTS “REINA SOFÍA” Valencia, Intendant: Helga Schmidt,
in cooperation with IME International Music Events

導演 : Tiziano Mancini
演員 : ---
片長 : 140 分鐘
語言 : 法語 (英文字幕)

三星璀璨維也納(3 STARS IN VIENNA)

沐浴在暖暖的餘暉中,維也納皇家美泉宮為此次露天音樂會在增添了一抹浪漫的色調。在歐洲足球錦標賽決賽結束後舉行。 比美泉宮更耀眼的是今夜在場的三位超級巨星—安娜·奈瑞貝科,羅蘭道·維拉松,還有普拉西·多明戈。

Conductor Bertrand de Billy
Radio-Symphonieorchester Wien
Soloists Anna Netrebko, Plácido Domingo, Rolando Villazón
Video Director Heidelinde Haschek
Year 2008
Length 106'
A co-production of ORF, ZDF and UNITEL CLASSICA

導演 : ---
演員 : ---
片長 : 106 分鐘



Ludwig van Beethoven
Triple Concerto for Piano, Violin,
Violoncello and Orchestra in C major, op. 56
Modest Mussorgsky
Pictures at an Exhibition
Simón Bolívar Youth Orchestra of Venezuela
Conductor Gustavo Dudamel
Piano Martha Argerich
Violin Renaud Capuçon
Violoncello Gautier Capuçon
Year 2008
Length 75'
A production of UNITEL CLASSICA
in cooperation with Salzburg Festival for ZDF / Arte

導演 : ---
演員 : ---
片長 : 75 分鐘



Composer Giacomo Puccini
Conductor Zubin Mehta
Orchestra Orquestra de la Comunitat Valenciana
(Music Director Lorin Maazel)
Theatre Cor de la Generalitat Valenciana Escolania de la Mare de Déu dels Desemparats
Princess Turandot Maria Guleghina
Calaf Marco Berti
Liù Alexia Voulgaridou
Timur Alexander Tsymbalyuk
Ping Fabio Previati
Pang Vincenç Esteve
Pong Roger Padullés
The Emperor Altoum Javier Agulló
A Mandarin Ventseslav Anastasov
The Prince of Persia Ossama Badreddine
Staged by Chen Kaige
Directed by Tiziano Mancini
Year 2008
Length 120'
A production of Unitel and Palau de les Arts
“Reina Sofía” Valencia (Director: Helga Schmidt)
in coproduction with ZDF for ARTE and Class ica
導演 : Tiziano Mancini
演員 : ---
片長 : 120 分鐘



Joseph Haydn
Symphony in E minor, Hob. I:44 “Mourning”
Frédéric Chopin
Piano Concerto No. 2 in F minor, Op. 21
Piano Concerto No. 1 in E minor, Op. 11
Valse brillante in A minor, Op. 34/2
Piano Daniel Barenboim
Orchestra Staatskapelle Berlin
Conductor Andris Nelsons
Video Director Enrique SaÅLnchez Lansch
Year 2010
Length 110’
A production of UNITEL in cooperation with
Initiativkreis Ruhr, Klavier-Festival Ruhr
導演 : Enrique SaÅLnchez Lansch
演員 : ---
片長 : 110 分鐘

我們這一家電影版-超能力花媽! (ATASHINGCHI)


導演: 高橋涉