Saturday, April 30, 2011


登機門 (Boarding Gate)


阿薩瓦斯開宗明義要拍一齣B級片,故事從一個巴黎倫敦混合體的都市起飛,最後在香港著地。地域橫垮東西,演員亦東(林熙蕾及吳嘉龍)西(Asia Argento及Michael Madsen)配對。電影語言方面更是集現代驚慄片之大成,黑色電影的拍攝風格被重新詮釋。Brian Eno的音樂以氛圍懾人,放在風格至上的本片如魚得水。劇情看似散亂,可是影片其實由始至終全神貫注於艷絕的禍水紅顏Asia Argento。

導演 : Olivier Assayas
演員 : Asia Argento, Michael Madsen, Kelly Lin
片長 : 106 分鐘
語言 : 英語 (英文字幕)


Boarding Gate


Deliberately going for a B-movie vibe, Olivier Assayas has written and directed a film that opens in an unspecified cosmopolitan city and comes to a close in Hong Kong. Assayas plays with various genre codes and conventions but does so differently to most modern thrillers. While having their roots in traditional noir, his images are shaken and roughened up, while the use of Brian Eno’s music envelopes the moods and feelings of the viewers. Sure, the film has left plenty of dots unconnected on purpose, but there is nothing ambiguous about Asia Argento’s fascinating portrayal of Sandra, the film’s femme-fatale heroine.

Director : Olivier Assayas
Cast : Asia Argento, Michael Madsen, Kelly Lin
Duration : 106 mins
Language : English (English subtitles)

Friday, April 29, 2011

寂寞的中尉 (The Young Lieutenant)



導演 : 薩維耶‧寶華
演員 : 妮坦莉‧比爾,Jalil Lespert
片長 : 110 分鐘
語言 : 法語 (英文字幕)


The Young Lieutenant


Antoine leaves his provincial hometown and comes to Paris to work as a police officer. His mentor is Commandant Caroline Vaudieu, a jaded recovering alcoholic who lost her young son to meningitis 20 years ago. If he were alive, he would have been the same age as Antoine. Caroline takes Antoine under her wing and gives him a chance to excel. However, a case investigation goes awry and tragic consequences turn their lives upside down… Despite Antoine being the title character, this is more Caroline’s film. Conveying Caroline’s pain and dignity in a restrained and powerful way, Baye’s performance won her a César award for best actress in 2006.

Director : Xavier Beauvois
Cast : Natalie Baye,Jalil Lespert
Duration : 110 mins
Language : French (English subtitles)

Thursday, April 28, 2011


左輪357 (Police Python 357)


紅顏和禍水的關連到底有多強?Yves Montand飾演硬漢警探,邂逅女子Sylvia,瞬間拜倒石榴裙下,她是否另有情人這個基本問題於是無人問津。偏偏,她竟然就是Montand的上司的情婦。上司得知紅杏出牆怒手殺人,在妻子的指導下插贓架禍給Montand,更指派Montand調查兇案…慎密的劇本,精湛的演出,令Alain Corneau的執導如魚得水,憑本片躍居當年法國影壇耀目新秀。

導演 : Alain Corneau
演員 : Yves Montand, François Périer, Simone Signoret
片長 : 125 分鐘
語言 : 法語 (英文字幕)


Police Python 357


A slick, suspenseful thriller which boasts a sophisticated script, imaginative direction and superb performances from its cast, Police Python 357 established Alain Corneau as one of France’s most promising young directors in the mid-1970s. Yves Montand gives one of his most compelling performances playing a tough and morally ambiguous cop, who gets involved with a woman called Sylvia, without realising that she is his boss’ mistress. When his boss kills Sylvia for cheating on him, he assigns the investigation to Montand and plants evidence that points to Montand as the murderer…

Director : Alain Corneau
Cast : Yves Montand, François Périer, Simone Signoret
Duration : 125 mins
Language : French (English subtitles)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

禽獸該死 (This Man Must Die)



導演 : Claude Chabrol
演員 : Michel Duchaussoy, Caroline Cellier, Jean Yanne
片長 : 110 分鐘
語言 : 法語 (英文字幕)

This Man Must Die


In his adaptation of a Nicholas Blake novel, Chabrol tells a dark and compelling story in This Man Must Die. A young boy is killed in a hit-and-run. His father, Charles, an author of children’s books and a widower, dedicates his life to finding the killer. A man of few words, Charles keeps his violent and obsessive thoughts in his diary. When he finally finds the guilty driver, and when the driver is killed, his diary becomes the only evidence against him. Did he really do it? Two people end up confessing, but the truth is never told and the audience never gets closure because Charbol cleverly preserves the mystery by keeping the murder off camera.

Director : Claude Chabrol
Cast : Michel Duchaussoy, Caroline Cellier, Jean Yanne
Duration : 110 mins
Language : French (English subtitles)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

野玫瑰之戀 (The Wild, Wild Rose)



導演 : 王天林
演員 : 葛蘭、張洋、沈雲
片長 : 128 分鐘
語言 : 國語 (中英文字幕)

The Wild, Wild Rose


In this loose adaptation of Bizet’s opera Carmen, good mambo-girl Grace Chang reinvents herself as the flirty nightclub chanteuse “Wild Rose” Sijia. Her relationship with pianist Leung begins as a gamble and evolves into passionate love, yet their happiness is threatened by the return of Sijia’s ex-husband. A typical femme fatale, Sijia’s beauty and passion bring misery and tragedy to the one she loves. Visually, there are some striking sequences that emulate film noir masters, thanks to the shadow-heavy cinematography which is a superb compliment to shady world of Wanchai's nightclubs.

Director : Wong Tin-Lam
Cast : Grace Chang、Zhang Yang、Shen Yun
Duration : 128 mins
Language : Mandarin (Chinese and English subtitles)

Monday, April 25, 2011



3D雷神奇俠 (3D Thor)


傲慢天神墮入凡間 重新奮起變身超級英雄
北歐神話中奧丁大帝(安東尼鶴健士 飾)的兒子雷神托爾(基斯咸士禾夫 飾),因為過於高傲自負而被父親收回神力,並貶到人間。化身為人類的托爾被護士珍(妮坦莉寶雯 飾)所救,並漸漸從她身上學習到仁愛及謙遜…但在此時,邪神樂基卻乘勢冒起,恐怖威力令神界、人間風聲鶴唳﹗重新振作的托爾,終於再次執起神鎚,化身為唯一可以貫通兩個世界的超級英雄──雷神奇俠,與人類難以抵抗的邪神爆發一場天崩地陷的世紀激戰﹗

導演 : 簡尼夫伯納
演員 : 安東尼鶴健士、基斯咸士禾夫、妮坦莉寶雯
片長 : ---
語言 : --- (---)


3D Thor


The epic adventure THOR spans the Marvel Universe from present day Earth to the mystical realm of Asgard. At the center of the story is The Mighty Thor, a powerful but arrogant warrior whose reckless actions reignite an ancient war. As a result, Thor is banished to Earth where he is forced to live among humans. When the most dangerous villain of his world sends its darkest forces to invade Earth, Thor learns what it takes to be a true hero.

Director : Kenneth Branagh
Cast : Anthony Hawkins, Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman
Duration : ---
Language : --- (---)

Sunday, April 24, 2011


亡命鴛鴦 (On the Run)



導演 : 張堅庭
演員 : 元彪、夏文汐
片長 : 88 分鐘
語言 : 粵語 (英文字幕)


On the Run


In On the Run, a departure in style for usual comedy director Alfred Cheung, Yuen Biao plays a CID detective whose ex-wife is brutally assassinated by a lone female killer (Pat Ha). It turns out she had uncovered evidence of wrong-doing by an officer of the homicide squad, and he ordered the hit to keep her silent. Yuen Biao soon finds the killer, but by now both Yuen and the hired killer are the targets of another attempted murder… Shot entirely at night, the story is unrelentingly dark and tense in visual style. Cheung ensures that the tone of the movie, once established, is carried through in a consistent manner - no comic relief, no self-referential irony; just honest, direct story-telling in the best film noir tradition.

Director : Alfred Cheung
Cast : Yuen Biao、Pat Ha
Duration : 88 mins
Category : ---
Language : Cantonese (English subtitles)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

洞 (The Hole)


1947年,五名囚犯試圖逃離巴黎La Sante監獄。1960年,Jacques Becker找來當年有份參與的Jean Keraudy加上其他非職業演員把事件重演。透過長鏡頭、極微量的配樂以及極少量對白,影片聚精會神於囚犯的實質準備功夫。這不是Shawshank Redemption,激勵人心並非本片目的,Becker欲呈現的,純粹是這群囚犯如何一步一步接近完成一個不可能的任務。

導演 : Jacques Becker
演員 : Jean Keraudy, Michel Constantin, Philippe Leroy
片長 : 132 分鐘
語言 : 法語 (英文字幕)

The Hole


Based on the true story of five inmates who attempt a daring escape from La Santé prison in Paris, The Hole centres on a group of men who try to pull off the impossible. The focus here is the meticulous preparation that goes into pulling off the plan. The cast is comprised entirely of non-professional actors (one of them, Jean Keraudy, was a participant in the actual escape attempt in 1947). The acting is spare, without pretence, and, for the most part, non-verbal. Becker utilises long shots and refrains from using a musical soundtrack to heighten the sense of realism. There’s a sense that The Hole is a re-creation of events rather than a mere cinematic version of them.

Director : Jacques Becker
Cast : Jean Keraudy, Michel Constantin, Philippe Leroy
Duration : 132 mins
Language : French (English subtitles)

Friday, April 22, 2011

英雄本色 (A Better Tomorrow)



導演 : 吳宇森
演員 : 周潤發、張國榮、 狄龍
片長 : 95 分鐘
語言 : 粵語 (英文字幕)

A Better Tomorrow


A Better Tomorrow is an absolute essential; a prototype for future films in the “heroic bloodshed” genre. Ho is an ex-gang leader who tries to go straight upon his release from prison. His younger brother Kit, a police officer, resents him for the death of their father and for Ho’s background getting in the way of his career. While Ho tries to reconcile with Kit, he and his best friend Mark look to each other to survive battles thrown at them by both the gang and the police. As Mark, Chow Yun-Fat creates a cinematic icon with his long black jacket, jaunty toothpick, and two-guns fighting style. The raw emotion of brotherhood vividly portrayed is another reason that made the film a major award-winner and an instant classic.

Director : John Woo
Cast : Chow Yun-Fat、Leslie Cheung、 Ti Lung
Duration : 95 mins
Language : Cantonese (English subtitles)

瘋劫 (The Secret)



李紈的好友連正明卻懷疑兇手另有其,阮士卓身旁的女屍更未必是李紈… 無論在選景、取鏡角度、光影氣氛、以及攝影機運動各方面,許鞍華都能夠充分掌握住懸疑驚怵片的格調,在真實自然的環境下製造出令人由衷恐懼的氣氛。多視點結構敘述故事,將一個兇殺故事描繪得疑雲重重,為影片的增強不少懸念色彩。

導演 : 許鞍華
演員 : 張艾嘉、趙雅芝、萬梓良
片長 : 85 分鐘
語言 : 粵語 (英文字幕)

The Secret


An iconic landmark in Hong Kong ‘New Wave’ cinema, Ann Hui’s film debut The Secret sets a definite mood of mystery and foreboding from the beginning. The story of this psychological horror-thriller is based on an actual incident in 1970. The battered bodies of a young man and woman are found in the woods in western Hong Kong Island. The police identify the victims as Yuen, a medical student, and his fiancée Lee. Yet Lee’s close friend suspects the true identity of the female body and begins her own investigation… Hui manages to create horrifying ambience using natural settings. The multiple narrative and their points of view also add to the film’s mystery.

Director : Ann Hui
Cast : Sylvia Chang、Angie Chiu、Alex Man
Duration : 85 mins
Language : Cantonese (English subtitles)

Thursday, April 21, 2011


湯馬仕小火車之海陸空大拯救 (Thomas & Friends : Misty Island Rescue)


索多島正在動工興建搜索及救援中心,Thomas和朋友們興奮地分工合作,協助運送從Hiro’s Island來的大量「棗比木」到工地。Diesel因為太自負拒絕其他火車的幫忙,獨力運送木材,險些超速衝落懸崖,幸好Thomas及時相救,可是全部木材卻掉進海裡,救援中心的建築工作只得停下來。
肥控制員獎勵Thomas的英勇行為,安排他跟隨大貨輪探訪Main Island。途中Thomas與大貨輪失散,擱淺在一個神秘小島…

導演 : ---
演員 : ---
片長 : 60 分鐘
語言 : 粵語 (無字幕


Thomas & Friends : Misty Island Rescue (Cantonese Version)


As a reward for his daring rescue Thomas gets to visit the mainland. Thomas waves goodbye to his friends at Brendham Docks and heads across the sea to the mainland. That night Thomas becomes separated from the ship and ends up alone and stranded on the mysterious Misty Island - a wild and wonderful island with a multitude of secret hide outs, rickety tracks and bridges. Thomas soon meets the islands¡¦ inhabitants ¡V 3 funny logging locos called Bash, Dash and Ferdinand. Thomas also sees that Misty Island has plentiful supplies Jobi wood! Now with the help of Dash, Bash and Ferdinand, Thomas attempts to find his way back to Sodor with a new batch of jobi wood. The logging locos help Thomas uncover an old tunnel that joins Misty Island to Sodor. The engines travel into the tunnel but soon become trapped. There is no way out.

Director : ---
Cast : ---
Duration : 60 mins
Language : Cantonese (No Subtitle)


危機解密 (Source Code)


軍隊上校哥達(積克格寧賀 飾)在一列前往芝加哥的火車上被惡夢驚醒,醒來後被面前的美麗女子姬絲汀娜(米雪蒙娜漢 飾)誤認是另一個人。驚恐間哥達往鏡子一照,赫然發現自己的樣子變了另一個人,而銀包裡的身份證亦不屬於自己!哥達還沒來得及弄清楚情況,他們身處的火車忽然發生爆炸,車毀人亡。哥達眼前一黑,醒來時已置身政府秘密研究所,原來他是軍方秘密實驗計劃「Source Code」的行動執行者,這個程式會將他的意識「植入」另一名男子的身體,利用這個人的身份,哥達可以在火車爆炸前的八分鐘追查此兇案的幕後主腦,以阻止該名炸彈狂徒在六小時後再次大開殺戒。哥達一次又一次重返案發現場追尋線索,直至他發現爆炸案背後不為人知的秘密…..他能否在事情尚未失控之前,成功完成任務?而他企圖扭轉不應被逆轉的命運,將已被炸死的姬絲汀娜救活,又會引發甚麼後果?

導演 : 鄧肯鍾尼斯
演員 : 積克格寧賀、維娜法米嘉、米雪蒙娜漢、謝菲胡禮
片長 : 93 分鐘
語言 : 英語 (中文字幕)

Source Code


Captain Colter Stevens (Jake Gyllenhaal) awakens on a speeding commuter train with no idea how he got there. Seated across from him is Christina (Michelle Monaghan), a woman he doesn’t know, but who clearly believes she knows him. Seeking refuge in the bathroom, he’s shocked to see another man’s reflection in the mirror and ID cards in his wallet belonging to school teacher Sean Fentress. Suddenly a massive explosion rips through the train.
Almost instantly, Colter is transported to a high-tech isolation unit where a uniformed woman named Goodwin (Vera Farmiga) demands to know everything he saw. Colter has been on a high-priority mission to identify a bomber who destroyed a train just hours earlier and who plans to kill thousands more with a much larger explosion in the heart of Chicago. A top-secret program, code-named ‘source code’, allows Colter to exist briefly as Sean in the parallel reality of the doomed commuter train.
Each time he returns to the train, Colter has just eight minutes to uncover the bomber’s identity. He gathers new bits of evidence each time, but his quarry eludes him. The more he learns, the more convinced he becomes that he can prevent the deadly blast from ever happening—unless time runs out first.

Director : Duncan Jones
Cast : Jake Gyllenhaal, Vera Farmiga, Michelle Monaghan, Jeffrey Wright
Duration : 93 mins
Language : English (Chinese Subtitles)


觀音山 (Buddha Mountain)


丁波(陳柏霖 飾)南風(范冰冰 飾)和肥皂(肥龍 飾)三位是好朋友。 他們有著相似的經歷都因落榜或拒絕參加高考沒上大學而和自己父母劍拔弩張。他們渴望擺脫父母的束縛,開始自食其力的獨立生活。他們因為租住房子結識了苦痛中的退休演員房東常越琴(張艾嘉 飾)。
個人之間的故事,隨著租房的相遇逐漸展開了。三個孩子發現了常越琴以往生活中的一些秘密,如催化劑一般,引發了四人之間的關係發生了巨變, 從排斥衝突到彼此理解、互相關愛,從而讓兩代人彼此真正的接受了對方, 每個人的命運也隨之發生了改變。

導演 : 李玉
演員 : 張艾嘉、范冰冰、陳柏霖
片長 : ---
語言 : --- (---)

Buddha Mountain


Buddha Mountain is a soliloquy on the parameters of young dreams, life destination, the conditions that define love.
Set against the backdrop of the mountainous scenery of the Chengdu region of China, the film weaves together two narratives, that of a retired Peking Opera singer with that of three young friends who have just left their family homes chasing independence and autonomy.
Three friends, Ding Bo, Nan Feng, and Fatso have finished school but have gone against parental pressure, refusing to write university entrance exams to continue their educations, resulting in disapproval and strife. Restless to start their own lives, independent from that of family, they decided to leave their parents’ homes, and work their own way up. The friends rent rooms in the home of the former Peking Opera singer, Chang Yue Qin and run into Changs’s bitter life.
As the narrative unfolds, past secrets in Master Chang’s life are uncovered by the three friends, and are catalyst to unexpected events and personal growth. These events lead to an increasing understanding between the four, ultimately offering the possibility of acceptance and movement toward individual destinies.

Director : Li Yu
Cast : Sylvia Chang, Fan Bing Bing and Bolin Chen
Duration : ---
Language : --- (---)


3D森美海底歷險 (Sammy's Adventure's: The Secret Passage 3D)


在加州海灘出生的小海龜森美(森美 配音),跟其他「海龜仔」一樣,需要深入海洋,踏上成長旅程。出世第一天,他就遇上了同是剛出生的美女海龜莎莉(田蕊妮 配音),一見鍾情,卻竟遇上意外令他們失散。森美一方面要堅負「海龜仔」的成長使命,展開海洋之旅,某一方面,他對莎莉念念不忘,誓要尋回摯愛。森美不畏艱辛,在老友記阿威(杜文澤 配音)的陪同下,克服重重難關,經歷緊張刺激的冒險旅程,還結識了很多好友,如八爪魚保羅(麥浚龍 配音)、神神化化的怪貓毛神神(鄭丹瑞 配音)、幾度救他一世的海龜羅拉(盧覓雪 配音)等。

導演 : ---
演員 : ---
片長 : 86 分鐘
語言 : 粵語 (無字幕)


Sammy's Adventure's: The Secret Passage 3D (Cantonese Version)


As he scrambles to the sea shortly after his birth on a beach in California, Sammy the sea turtle finds and loses the love of his life, a pretty hatchling called Shelly. On the epic journey across the oceans that all turtles accomplish before returning to the beach where they were born, Sammy dodges every danger in the hope of meeting Shelly again. With best buddy Ray, he sees close up how humans are hurting the planet. But then he is rescued by other humans. He battles with piranhas, escapes a fish eagle and searches for a mysterious secret passage. And, one day, after so many adventures and close shaves, Sammy finds Shelly. She has never forgotten him either...

Director : Ben Stassen
Cast : ---
Duration : 86 mins
Language : Cantonese (No Subtitle)


Wednesday, April 20, 2011


血紅帽 (Red Riding Hood)


第一名被人狼殺害的村民是花萊妮(雅曼達施菲 飾)的姐姐。花萊妮剛發現她的父母將她許配給村內最有錢的家族後人亨利((默斯艾朗斯 飾),但她所愛的卻是窮困的伐木工人彼德(沙朗費蘭迪斯 飾)。為了和對方長相廂守,花萊妮和彼德決定私奔離開家園,但是人狼的出現,卻為一切帶來鉅變。
為了報復,匕角村村民請來了有名的人狼獵人 – 所羅門神父 (加利奧文飾)去除掉這隻孽獸。所羅門的來臨卻為村莊帶來意想不到的改變,他警告村民人狼早己隱藏在他們當中,身邊摯親也可能是兇殘惡獸!隨?每個血紅月圓出現,被殺的村民越多越多,恐慌籠罩著整個村莊。而花萊妮卻發現她和野狼之間有著不尋常的連繫,讓她成為了被懷疑的對象和吸引人狼現身的誘餌……

導演 : 嘉芙蓮赫域姬
演員 : 雅曼達施菲、沙朗費蘭迪斯
片長 : 99 分鐘
語言 : 英語 (中文字幕)

Red Riding Hood


In “Red Riding Hood,” Seyfried plays Valerie, a beautiful young woman torn between two men. She is in love with a brooding outsider, Peter (Shiloh Fernandez), but her parents have arranged for her to marry the wealthy Henry (Max Irons). Unwilling to lose each other, Valerie and Peter are planning to run away together when they learn that Valerie’s older sister has been killed by the werewolf that prowls the dark forest surrounding their village.

Director : Catherine Hardwicke
Cast : Amanda Seyfried, Shilon Fernandez
Duration : 99 mins
Language : English (Chinese Subtitles)


關雲長 (The Lost Bladesman)



導演 : 麥兆輝, 莊文強
演員 : 甄子丹, 姜文, 孫儷
片長 : 109 分鐘
語言 : 普通話 (中英文字幕)

The Lost Bladesman


In the final years of the Han, the court was under the sway of Prime Minister Cao Cao. When his troops defeated those of rival king Liu Bei, they took Liu Bei's two wives, future concubine and other members of his family hostage, as well as Liu Bei's sworn brother, Guan Yunchang. Cao Cao greatly admires Guan and wishes to retain him, but Guan's loyalty is with Liu Bei. When Cao Cao finds out Guan was once in love with Liu Bei's future concubine, Qilan, he sets a trap to lead Guan to temptation and betrayal. Guan escapes with Qilan. But to get to Liu Bei, they must cross five passes. Guan, who is tired of killing, is forced to fight his way through, leaving a trail of corpses. At the final crossing, they fall into a deadly ambush. Yet Cao Cao treats Guan with respect; Guan is torn between emotional debt and righteousness.

Director : ---
Cast : Donnie Yen, Jiang Wen, Sun Li
Duration : 109 mins
Language : Putonghua (Chinese & English Subtitles)



愛情大龍鳳 (Just Go With It)


整形外科醫生丹尼 (阿當桑迪拿 飾),經常假扮已婚,讓女士們對他疏於防範之際,投懷送抱,不用擔心一夜風流之後「有手尾跟」。一天, 丹尼遇上超索女教師彭美拉 (布嘉蓮戴嘉 飾),更認定她是畢生至愛,打算修心養性,結束「扮婚」生涯,誰料彭美拉竟然無意中發現他的婚戒。為了保住跟彭美拉的戀情,丹尼哀求助手嘉芙蓮(珍妮花雅麗絲頓 飾)假扮他的前妻,演一齣分手好戲,好讓彭美拉釋除疑慮。誰料,謊言越滾越大,一趟夏威夷之旅,真相會否絕密公開?

導演 : 丹尼斯鄧肯
演員 : 阿當桑迪拿、珍妮花雅麗絲頓、布嘉蓮戴嘉
片長 : 116 分鐘
語言 : 英語 (中文字幕)

Just Go With It


On a weekend trip to Hawaii, a plastic surgeon convinces his loyal assistant to pose as his soon-to-be-divorced wife in order to cover up a careless lie he told to his much-younger girlfriend.

Director : Dennis Dugan
Cast : Adam Sandler, Jennifer Aniston, Brooklyn Decker
Duration : 116 mins
Language : English (Chinese Subtitles)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


母親的告白 (Incendies)


躋身第83屆奧斯卡金像獎「最佳外語片」最後五強,橫掃多個本土電影大獎的《母親的告白》,由曾奪得康城及柏林兩大影展獎項的加拿大導演丹尼斯維爾諾夫執導,電影改編自著名黎巴嫩作家Wajdi Mouawad的舞台劇《Scorched》,藉著一對年青兄妹追尋母親在故土的足跡,講述一個關於入骨的恨、無盡的戰爭及永恆的愛的故事,在奇情、驚慄及懸疑的元素上,滲進了令人關注的政治議題。

導演 : 丹尼維勒納夫
演員 : 露娜艾薩芭
片長 : 130 分鐘
語言 : 法語 (中英文字幕)



When notary Lebel (Rémy Girard) sits down with Jeanne and Simon Marwan (Mélissa Désormeaux-Poulin, Maxim Gaudette) to read them their mother’s will Nawal (Lubna Azabal), the twins are stunned to receive a pair of envelopes – one for the father they thought was dead and another for a brother they didn’t know existed.
In this enigmatic inheritance, Jeanne sees the key to Nawal’s retreat into unexplained silence during the final weeks of her life. She immediately decides to go to the Middle East to dig into a family history of which she knows next to nothing.
Simon is unmoved by the posthumous mind games of a mother who was always distant and cold. However, the love he has for his sister is strong, and he soon joins her in combing their ancestral homeland in search of a Nawal who is very different from the mother they knew.

Director : Denis Villeneuve
Cast : Lubna Azabal, Mélissa Désormeaux-Poulin,
Duration : 130 mins
Language : French (Chinese & English Subtitles)
